Tuesday 3:00-4:00pm - Tech Time
A letter from our Director & Board of Trustees
The Defunding of IMLS
Spiral Songs Kids: Singing with the Seasons
Thursday, March 27th at 11AM
Museum Pass Highlight
Children's Museum of NH
Database of the Month
ABC Mouse
Upcoming Library Closures
Thursday, April 17th: Staff Professional Development
Friday, April 18th: Delayed Opening for Staff Professional Development
Monday, May 26th: Memorial Day
Library Board of Trustees Meeting
Next Meeting Dates:
The Pease Public Library Board of Trustees meets the third Wednesday each month except when scheduling conflicts arise
Library of Things
Need to connect to the internet at home, or sew up a hole in a piece of clothing, or how about checking the wattage in your outlets? We have mobile hopspots, Chromebooks, sewing machines, Kill-a-watt detectors, and more coming soon. All available to take home with a library card!
Pease Public Library on PBTV
The library has our own show on PBTV. "Check It Out!" where library staff members tell you all about what's happening each month. You can find the newest episode here!
Upcoming Events
Storytime, Movies, Puzzles, Book Discussions and more. Check out all of the upcoming events at the library here...
Volunteer at Pease!
If you are interested in Volunteering, or would like more information, please contact our Volunteer Coordinator Kim at pease@peasepubliclibrary.org